DLE Graduation
15 juli 2022
This year’s third-year pupils in havo and vwo went through the age-old ceremony of graduation as though they were in the UK, Australia or the United States of America. They were rounding off their three years of Dual Language Education at the RSG Enkhuizen before progressing into the upper forms after the summer break!
With an opening speech praising the pupils on their resilience in what has been an incredibly difficult three years with the pandemic, school closures and getting back into learning again, Mr. Lewis, went on to reveal the excellent results achieved in the Cambridge Checkpoint tests, which exceeded expectation and were 20% higher than the international average.
No graduation would be complete without the donning of the gowns and mortar boards by the teachers and the mortar boards by all pupils. Their tassel was moved to the wearer’s left-hand side as the pupil signed their diploma, announcing the finalisation of their personal journey in the DLE department.
Once all pupils had signed their diplomas, it was time to close the ceremony with the throwing of the mortar boards, signalling that graduation was complete.

We congratulate all of our learners and wish them well in the Cambridge department in the upper forms!